SchoolTry CSR

SchoolTry Cooperate and Social Responsibility, CSR – support for the public good

Together with our partners

We want to bring forth digital solutions that drive education towards a digitized future, creating an efficient learning environment and school management software for all schools, teachers, parents and students to be connected and share information anywhere at anytime.

SchoolTry actively builds its brand and contributes to causes on the basis of its purpose and values: We care about the digitized form of education. Sponsorships, marketing co-operations and other contributions are based on the company’s strategy and its global operations.

We engage with a number of communities, associations and support work for the public good. Research and development activities play an important role in our businesses, which is why they are also seen as worthy of support.

Marketing co-operations provide a way to fight against deficiency of access to education in some remote areas in Africa and to drive a circular economy by creating new innovative solutions and educative services together with our partners. Sponsoring co-operations communicates our global concepts and common values, and strengthens our stakeholder's relationships and loyalty.

Currently, we are providing free access to SchoolTry EdTech Platform to our partners due to covid-19 global pandemic for continuing learning and school management among schools, teachers, parents and students. Please kindly notice that we are carefully selecting our co-operation targets to fit our purpose.

Consistent with SchoolTry’s high ethical standards, it is our policy to be transparent with regard to our contributions and to ensure that there is no misuse or corrupt purposes related to any donations or sponsorships. In line with our principles, political parties and religious movements cannot be among the recipients of our sponsorship support.
